How do you get a cow butchered? On the other hand, dairy cows are raised to produce milk but not calves. All that being said, I do recommend raising cattle, keeping at least one or two cows for personal use. After these twelve months, the calves are sold to small farms that will finish them out. Usually it takes at least 2 years to raise a beef to maturity. Be sure to read and follow all label directions when giving shots. Monitor your animal’s feed consumption. You can butcher a cow yourself. Straw is the stalks from grain and hay is alfalfa plants. That's it. Beef cows are cows raised to live with minimal management, and they (beef cows) can raise calves. The taking of any animals life is pretty traumatic. Although movie cowboys do a lot of whooping or hollering around their herds, such loud noises scare the animals and make them harder to load on the trailer the next time. Place the hay in a … However, there are several management skills that each beef producer should have to be successful. The easiest way to butcher an animal is if it is hanging. Their eyes should be bright, clear, and free of discharge. Shelter. An abrupt switch in feedstuffs can harm the helpful bacteria in the digestive tract and cause an unsafe change in a bovine’s digestive juice pH. The animal’s body should be full and rounded, not shrunken or hollowed out. As you would expect, raising cattle will be a little more labor intensive than chickens or goats. 42-Day Cattle Breeding - Why using a 42-day breeding season is an essential strategy for raising beef cattle. You can tell them by looking for the black and white markings. Many dairy farms are looking to get more money for their calves so they are using Angus or other beef breed bulls on the Holstein cows. Don’t purchase calves that have not been given colostrum. For mature cattle, the normal temperature range is 100.4–103.1 degrees Fahrenheit, the pulse is 40–80 beats per minute, and the respiration rate at rest is 10–30 breaths per minute. I believe if we all processed our own meat we would eat WAY less of it. Having two people to accomplish this task makes success much more probable. Cows like grass, goats, not so much. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. When this happens you may have to tube feed them. If you have the grass, buying calves and grazing them on is the best way to fill the freezer with lots of lovely beef. Cows and bulls are raised to produce calves in this type of operation. Consider these pointers when getting started on your bovine adventure: Prepare your facilities before bringing home your first beef cattle. Mainly those things are proper fencing for containment, a source of water and food. Prepare your trailer for hauling cattle. Clean the inside of the trailer to reduce the chance of disease transmission. Be prepared for big appetites. Cattle are pretty satisfied with electric fencing or even woven wire fences. Grass-fed beef, on the other hand, is a humane way to raise beef. In the beginning your calf will need some shelter. You will also supplement with grains. Raising Beef Cattle For Dummies. Angus are mostly dark in color. To learn more about a variety of different cattle breeds, check out this article from When this happens you may have to tube feed them. You need to be signed into youtube in order to watch this video. Keep an eye out for changes in vital signs. Provide that kind of beef, and people will be happy to buy from you. Raising beef cattle can be a profitable enterprise. Sometimes they get scours (diarrhea). For example, you will require silage and grain for fattening purpose, you can raise a beef cow-calf herd on just grass and hay, and the dairy cattle generally require most hay in the form of haylage. If you are looking to raise a cow because you’d like to produce your own milk for cheese, butter, and other things, then you’ll want to consider this breed.. Actually, when most people think of a cow, this is probably the type of cow you think of because it is used in so many adverts because this breed is known to be the highest-production breed for dairy. Thank you for supporting us. enable_page_level_ads: true You can mix these nutrients with the other feed you provide your cattle, or you can serve it up in a free-choice feeder for animals on pasture. Not only that, but more people are seeing the value of raw milk and are eager to buy it. First, there are basically two general types of cattle: dairy and beef … 1. Usually farmers who raise cattle also farm alfalfa fields to winter the cattle over once the snow falls. If you are raising a cow for beef, Robbins said that grass-fed cows will be ready to eat at around 28 to 30 months, while grain-fed cows can be ready by 15 to 16 … Straw and hay are not the same thing. Sometimes they get scours (diarrhea). I opt for the taking them to a butcher option. Your beef cattle should be alert without being wild. The Holsteins are the most common cattle found around here for individuals interested in raising beef. If you are hard core you can follow these directions and do it yourself. Currently, Minnesota is home to over 16,000 beef farmers and ranchers. Normally, it is thought that you require vast area for raising beef cattle but you can also start it up with just a few acres of land. You could raise one or two animals per acre with one of the small cattle breeds. Each individual cow will have its own temperament, environment requirements, and needs, so do your research and figure out which breed will be best for you and your family. Cost to feed the calf. But there are plenty of other cattle breeds out there. You can purchase cow milk replacer to start your calf out. Sure, you can provide your beef cattle with medical care when it gets sick or hurt, but preventing disease and injury in the first place is even better. However, I don’t know where I can buy cows that are born from grass fed cows. Always make sure your beef cattle have access to a clean, fresh, and plentiful supply of water. Cattle breeds. This short sweet video will show you how to feed them if you need a holder. “My cows are not super cows, but they are excellent mothers,” Rod said. If you can find this beef/dairy cross, you are lucky! Around here we focus on two types of cattle. Growing-Fattening Operation. Calving on Pasture - How to manage your calving program on pasture in the midst of a daily grazing rotation. Beef cattle drink a lot. Personally we just raised Holsteins as they are cheap and easy to acquire in these here parts. I raised my cows as singles but had many goats and sheep around for company. Beef cattle simply require good pasture, supplemental hay during the winter, fresh water, vaccinations and plenty of room to roam. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({ How to Raise Cattle Types of Cattle Raising. After you obtain your cattle, there are basically five important factors to consider when raising beef cattle: shelter, water, pasture, hay, and feed. Because where we live is dairy country there are always lots of inexpensive calves available. Cows eat mainly grasses and alfalfa. University of Kentucky has put together a good tutorial on raising beef cattle for the first three months. Don’t feed your beef cattle any grain or hay that’s musty, moldy, or soiled by animal feces. House your new arrivals in a small, secure holding lot and look them over for injuries. This might go without saying, but I’ll say it anyway. One of the main things you can do to keep your beef cattle healthy and content is to properly take care of their dietary needs. The cows are happier and their meat is far healthier and tastes better. Add minerals and vitamins to your beef cattle’s diet to keep them healthy and productive. Save For Later Print. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to (, or,,, or The last part of our cattle raising beginners guide has to do with getting it to the table. These symptoms may indicate illness or even an infection, which can be passed to other cattle and, in some cases, humans. We plan to do this with sheep too. In order for them to feed off the land you need about an acre a calf per year. Heifers, steers and cows are all used to produce meat. Beef cattle can consume up to 3 percent of their body weight a day in dry feed. These cows give birth to calves at least once a year, which typically weigh about 60 to 100 pounds. Articles. You can buy calves from dairy farms inexpensively to start raising beef cattle. If you have a small barn or shed you can create all kinds of little cubbies inside for your bull calves. To be exact, a cow needs about two acres of good pasture. Your cattle need grazing areas with a good perimeter fence (either six-strand high-tensile or, at minimum, a 4-foot high woven wire), a strong pen or corral, a shelter, and clean loafing and eating areas. We also kept them in a smaller pen but staked the cow out to graze around the yard. The most crucial part of raising beef cattle by hand has got to be the first three months. “My cow gives birth to the calf, nurses it for about seven months, and then those purebred breeders get those calves back, and they pay us for doing that for them.” Let’s change gears for a moment. Beef cattle are amazing, hardy creatures that can convert otherwise unusable plants into high-quality beef for people. The truth is, a windbreak will provide sufficient shelter for yearlings and older cattle. Having raised bucket calves and having kept cows with calves, I have developed some educated opinions about the two methods of raising beef. Kentucky's farm families work day in and day out to provide your family nutrient rich, delicious beef products for all of life's occasions. The type of feed also depend on your goals and location. Implement an immunization schedule for respiratory and clostridial diseases. The required steps are given below. Being the barrier of food my cows would RUN at me. Cow-calf Operation. The University of Kentucky has put together a good tutorial on raising beef cattle for the first three months. It doesn’t take a computer scientist to figure out total beef production per acre is much greater with the smaller cattle. You can raise a few head of cattle to stock your own freezer with wholesome steaks, roasts, and other cuts of meat, or you can start your own beef cattle business and sell the butchered meat to customers. Then, these calves are weaned from 6 to 10 months of age, and then they continue to feed on grass pastures. In my experience, you should go ahead and get the electrolyte solution and tube when you pick up your milk replacer. That means we own a cow herd (cows are the mama cows) and then we sell the calves. Once that 1300 pound animal is dead  you aren’t moving it very far without help. The Ideal Calving Date for Raising Beef Cattle - How to choose the perfect calving date for raising beef cattle. That’s the short answer. Beef cattle are amazing, hardy creatures that can convert otherwise unusable plants into high-quality beef for people. Mix two types of hay to more closely meet the beef cattle requirements. Practice the following measures to keep niggling beef cattle concerns from morphing into big problems: Provide a stress-free environment for your animals. However, calves also need good ventilation otherwise they end up with respiratory disorders early on. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg! Cattle are usually raised as livestock either for meat (beef or veal) or for milk, and for hides for making leather. And you need to get them electrolytes. For the first two weeks you need to feed them 1 calf bottle full of milk or replacer 3 times a day. Cow-Calf Operation 2. Since it is something we are considering, I decided to look up information on how to raise cows for beef. If they are raised in an area where they can test the fence and it gives them negative feed back you don’t have to worry too much about them escaping. RAISING BEEF IN Pennsylvania. In the future I plan to work with a friend who also wants home grown beef. So the first thing you should consider is how many cows you can have based on the amount of land you have. Typically, beef cattle eat a combination of grasses and grains, with more of an emphasis on grass, especially when they’re young. With more than 1,000 acres to manage, Casey spends much of his time meticulously monitoring grassland conditions. Quality hay is important for growing quality beef. Create a vaccination schedule for your cattle and follow it. Just give the goat’s milk to the calves. I used to have to get my son, who is fearless, to go round them up. Being transported is stressful for cattle, but you can minimize their distress by being calm and taking your time. You also need more than one calf if you don’t have sheep or goats to keep it company. If you keep goats too, this is simple. This cattle raising beginners guide to keeping cows for beef will cover how to find a calf and raise it to butchering size. You can meet your animal’s forage requirements by letting them graze pasture or feeding them dried, harvested hay. Raising beef cattle begins with the selection of available pasture for your cattle. While you are feeding them milk, you also need to make sure to offer hay and water and perhaps a bit of grain at all times. “We raise cattle, but you can’t raise cattle without grass. Mine used to escape. Just not so much in the nutrition category. Hartnana (and her husband Dave the truck driver) share the self sufficient living skills that we have gleaned from living on a homesteading. Welcome! Make sure the pen is stocked with good-quality grass hay and plenty of clean water. If you have breeding animals, you also want to have a reproductive vaccination program. Five acres is more than enough land to do so and with proper fencing you can rotate the stock in smaller pastures to help keep the grass growing and healthy. Beef cattle may need to be isolated from 21 to 120 days depending on which diseases are of concern in your area. Beef cattle are generally the most profitable and easiest livestock to raise for profit. Not being one who cares what people think, I also staked them out on the trampoline so they could eat the grass. The last three months or so you want to up the grain ration to make sure you get some good marbling. Avoid buying cattle with mucus coming from the nose or that have swollen legs or joints. Their breathing should be smooth and regular, and they shouldn’t be coughing. They lived with the rest of the critters in the pen. You have to take good care of your cattle if you desire a good return. No matter what your end goal is, your beef cattle depend on you to look out for their well-being, so you must know how to tend to their needs, including properly choosing, feeding, and caring for them. Or you can take it to your local butcher and have them do it. Storey’s Guide to Raising Beef Cattle, 3rd EditionRaising Beef Cattle For DummiesBeef Cattle: Keeping a Small-Scale Herd for Pleasure and Profit (Hobby Farms)Raising Beef Cattle For Beginner’s GuideThe Backyard Homestead Guide to Raising Farm Animals: Choose the Best Breeds for Small-Space Farming, Produce Your Own Grass-Fed Meat, Gather Fresh … Rabbits, Goats, Sheep, Pigs, Cattle, & Bees. Updated: July 2, 2012. Limiting the size of the pen for your new cattle reduces nervous pacing and decreases the opportunity to escape. Questioning the people who sell you the calf about colostrum feeding is also important. Raising cattle requires only a few basic things for success. Healthy cattle come up to the feed trough at every meal to eat. Talk about terrifying! Of course in our area, the deer also feast on the alfalfa and hay left out for the cattle. Supplements are particularly useful during times of drought, to help market cattle put on fat, or to meet the nutritional needs of a lactating and ovulating young cow. When they are little you can even transport them in a minivan. You can also use them for your goats when  you don’t have baby calves hanging around. Everyone has a slightly different way of raising beef cattle and it can vary slightly from one another, but it does not make any difference how you raise them if you follow the basics of cattle raising. Many fairly priced and highly effective vaccines are on the market. Cattle farming are profitable businesses if run appropriately. Load and unload the cattle in a quiet and patient manner. A lot of money is wasted in building expensive barns and sheds for cattle. The Barnes’ commercial cows have raised purebred calves from just about every beef cattle breed. Beef cows produce milk, but only enough to feed their calves — about one to two gallons per day. Great information on grass fed beef. In addition to raising the calves from their own cow herd, the Royers also purchase and finish feeder cattle from other producers. What type of cattle do you want? The beef market can be volatile, so price margins can fluctuate significantly when sending cattle to the market, but raising beef can still be an attractive venture because of the low labor requirements. Raising Beef Cattle For Dummies Cheat Sheet, Homesteading: Bottling Your Homebrewed Beer. When raising beef cattle, you want to start off on the right hoof by selecting healthy animals and by making their transition to their new home as smooth as possible. An 18-month-old beast can provide over 150kg of beef. They should be able to move with a free and easy stride. Personally dressing out a deer is a big project for me. And we will look at what it takes to raise cattle on a small farm or homestead. All About Beef Production: Cow-Calf Farm. Today Kentucky is home to more than 38,000 cattle farmers raising 2.1 million cattle and calves. Soybean and cottonseed meal supply both energy and protein. However if you have a gate and they can get out, they will find it. Keep your new cattle separate from the rest of your animals so they have no fence line contact. by Scott Royer, Nikki Royer July 2012 Beef cattle farming is a business that continues to grow in the United States and around the world, and it will only grow larger as the demand for beef continues to increase. During a hot summer day, for example, a mother cow with a nursing calf can consume nearly 18 gallons of water. Homesteading Life – Living a More Self Sufficient & Healthy Life. Of course  you need the animal or animals too. The herd of cows is maintained by ranchers. Use concentrates to supplement forages as needed. Nikki and Scott Royer, graduates of the Purdue University School of Agriculture, raise cattle on their diversified family farm in Indiana. The most crucial part of raising beef cattle by hand has got to be the first three months. How much space cows need is partly dependent on whether you are going to purchase hay to feed them or graze them off your land. Raising Beef Cattle For Dummies provides you with an introduction to all aspects of raising beef cattle. Now, let’s fill in the gaps and tell you the rest of the story about raising quality cows and calves. Those calves will make great raise your own beef projects! Wagyu beef calves spend twelve months with their mother and herd. Buy and start your Angus cattle herd. Little Giant 97 2-Quart Calf Bottle Holder, Storey’s Guide to Raising Beef Cattle, 3rd Edition, Beef Cattle: Keeping a Small-Scale Herd for Pleasure and Profit (Hobby Farms), The Backyard Homestead Guide to Raising Farm Animals: Choose the Best Breeds for Small-Space Farming, Produce Your Own Grass-Fed Meat, Gather Fresh … Rabbits, Goats, Sheep, Pigs, Cattle, & Bees, Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window), Homemade Soap Recipes Beginners And Kid Friendly, check out this article from, Secrets To Making Artisan Bread Better Than Store Bought, Homemade Goats Milk Soap Recipes Without Lye - Great For Beginners, Goat Milk Body Butter Recipe Makes Your Skin Feel Amazing, Goat Milk Soap Recipe - Stunningly Easy To Make It Yourself, Cattle Raising Beginners Guide To Keeping Cows For Beef, Raising Goats For Beginners What You Need To Know, Homemade Shaving Soap Recipe - Round Up For Wet Or Dry Shave, Homemade Goat Milk Soap Recipe For Beginners fast & easy Get Stunning Results, Epsom Bath Salt Recipes - Simple Yet Elegant For Gift Giving. It will take at least two years for the calf to reach maturity. Cattle farming is a long standing Kentucky tradition dating back to the 1700s. While you are feeding them milk, you also need to make sure to offer hay and water and perhaps a bit of grain at all times. By Scott Royer, Nikki Royer . And you need to get them electrolytes. Butchering cows, however, is complicated and requires a specific skill set and tools, so it is important to know where you will process your beef. Feeding your calf is where the money is really spent or saved! Actually the types of feed you want to provide to your animals depends on what type of cattle you are raising. Beef cattle can be raised by any farmer with access to pasture. Concentrates like the grains of corn, oats, wheat, and barley are good sources of energy for your cattle. Raising beef is a complex process, but throughout the entire journey, one thing remains constant – the shared commitment to raising cattle in a safe, humane and environmentally sustainable way by using the latest technology and resources. You can't raise beef cows in a barn - they need room to graze. Words: Sheryn Clothier Raising a couple of beefies is a relatively easy way to keep your grass under control and provide the family with meat. You can raise a few head of cattle to stock your own freezer with wholesome steaks, roasts, and other cuts of meat, or you can start your own beef cattle business and sell the butchered meat to customers. Calves are then raised until they are weaned from their dams at seven to … The idea of processing a whole steer is WAY to daunting. From two weeks to eight weeks you need to feed them twice a day. There you have it! Make sure it has a skid resistant floor to help keep cattle from slipping, and adjust the ventilation on the sides of the trailer so it’s appropriate for the weather conditions. This quarantining procedure helps reduce the spread of disease through air, direct contact, feed, water, equipment, or traffic. Provide only wholesome feedstuffs. For example, mix 50 percent alfalfa hay with 50 percent grass hay to provide a ration with about 11.7 percent crude protein and 54 percent TDN. Angus, a bit more pricey but has more in the meat to bone ration than the other type, Holsteins. After you unload all the cattle, check for any injuries that may have occurred during transport. This process is very common. If you order today, you’ll also receive the Following Free Bonuses Worth AT LEAST $175.48: If  your plan is to raise cattle regularly then the houses might be a good investment. 1. In some areas, such as out west where the pasture is really more like dessert, a cow will need as much as 40 acres. Your cattle raising beginners guide to keep cows for beef. So, really, I am a grass manager,” explains Casey, of the belief that drives his management decisions. Feed the beef cattle at least once each day. Provide your beef cattle with forage to keep their digestive systems functioning correctly. That way every year we can butcher a steer to split while still having a cow coming up for the next year. Raising beef is a complex process, but throughout the entire journey, one thing remains constant – the shared commitment to raising cattle in a safe, humane and environmentally sustainable way by using the latest technology and resources. We will get 1 calf each year. It does increase the cost substantially when you are feeding your livestock from hay you have to purchase. These smaller cattle are 25% more efficient than larger beef cattle breeds in terms of feed conversion, and therefore eat much less. }); Mugs, Journal & Tote Bags ship free to the United States Dismiss. We only had an acre total. Straw is great for bedding as it has wonderful insulating properties. Purchase only healthy animals. Each beef cattle enterprise has different resources: land, labor, capital, feed and management. We’re a cow-calf farm. We will look at what types of cattle make the best choice to raise. Beef cattle are cattle raised for meat production (as distinguished from dairy cattle, used for milk production).The meat of mature or almost mature cattle is mostly known as beef.In beef production there are three main stages: cow-calf operations, backgrounding, and feedlot operations. We even had a llama for a bit. For only $29.97 you'll own "How To Raise Beef Cattle – The Essential Beginners Guide To Raising Beef Cattle!" JorVet Oral Calf DrencherSx Oral Electrolyte-Quart Nursing Bottle w/NippleLittle Giant 97 2-Quart Calf Bottle Holder. Healthy beef cattle on pasture have full and rounded stomachs. Over the years, we have had cows, bulls, calves and steers. So take the time to always interact with your cattle in a calm and low-stress fashion. If you have a barn like structure that will work or you can purchase a calf house. I have raised a couple of steers to maturity on less than an acre. Your vet can help with specific recommendations. Here are some tips for tending to all four of your bovine’s stomachs: When adding or removing feeds from your animal’s diet, gradually make the change over a week or so. Your vet can be a great adviser as you strive to keep your herd of beef cattle in tip-top shape. Fattening cattle the conventional way primarily requires silage and grain, and feeding dairy cattle requires that plus moist hay in the form of haylage. I rather not raise cows that may be contaminated by the mother cow eating GMO feed. Stress makes any living creature more susceptible to disease, and beef cattle are no exception. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Typically, most cattle are raised either on pasture or in a feedlot setting until the reach somewhere around 1,000 pounds, give or take a few hundred pounds. Decreased appetite is an early sign of sickness. Breeder Farm Operation 3. Along with Angus and Holstein, there are Herefords, Galloways, Jerseys, and even a few dual-purpose breeds such as Dexters and Shorthorns. For instance, you can easily raise a beef cow-calf herd on just grass and hay or raise some backgrounder/stocker calves on grass for the summer. Develop a good working relationship with your veterinarian. When raising beef calves, they should spend the first 6-8 weeks of their lives in a small, breeze-free area. I recently purchased a home (3 months ago) on 20 acres outside of Eugene and would like to raise beef, pigs, and chickens for meat. Personally I just held the bottle. Their main source of nourishment will be from the bottles you will feed them a couple times a day. google_ad_client: "ca-pub-4261231729070844", Notice at the end that he has a tractor. Many farmers and homesteaders purchase a cow to raise for fresh, homegrown beef. Two cows are ideal if you have an interest and small acreage. And we will look at what types of cattle: dairy and beef cattle grain! Meat we would eat way less of it plants into high-quality beef for people raised... Humane way to butcher an animal is dead you aren ’ t purchase calves that not! Body should be smooth and regular, and plentiful supply of water program pasture! As livestock either for meat ( beef cows are the most crucial part of our cattle raising beginners guide keep. 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