The fieldset automatically adds a line break for every tr-td combination, the layout shows fine. Description. Not sure why? The tag allows breaking forms down into logical sections. hello why not work to table? I am not sure if this is a bug in picture wysiwyg fieldgroup module or maybe Firefox itself. Several fieldset groups are used inside td (table). For the example we’ve been working with, we do not need to use rows. These rules applied to all the examples: label { display: block; width: 10em; float: left; } fieldset { width: 25em; } Example One This example uses a background color. The following CSS rules are used to style the fieldset elements: #el01 {padding:0} /* Remove padding */ #el02 { /* Text and background colour, blue on light gray */ Thanks. Why not working?! I apologize if this issue has been dealt with before and I could not find the answer. carsRST asked on 2010-08-11. Display Inline-Block Working with CSS CSS Web Development Front End Technology The CSS Display property with value inline-block renders an element according to content’s width or provided width whichever is greater, it does not force a line break until parent element’s width is fully utilized. please reply. <tr> <fieldset> <legend>submit form</legend> <td> <input type="t… Join a community of over 2.6m developers to have your questions answered on RadConfirm not working with FireFox of UI for ASP.NET AJAX Window. And IE8 does not have attributes to round the corners like Firefox. hi, i have the following code in webix, i need the resizer but its not responding , can anyone help me , i need to be able to resize the columns in my form to fit the height and width when the user wants to. Fieldset expanded? I'm also curious if you know if there's a reason this "worked" in IE11 but is now "not working" in Edge. Overflowing Fieldset content in Firefox I am having a css issue with fieldset and wonder if you could help? CSS; HTML; 6 Comments. First, let’s set the parent grid to contain the two elements. It does not wrap on the whitespace in either case. I stripped it down, took off this and that but nothing helps. The tag visually groups logically related fields in an HTML form defined with the