Soweit ich weiss gab es aber auch mal eine Zeit, wo sich 18-Jährige entscheiden mussten, welche Staatsangehörigkeit sie haben. Prior to 1967, dual citizenship was not permitted in the United States. eine war 12 und der andere 9. One of the biggest drawbacks of German citizenship is that they generally do not allow dual citizenship. Both the United States and Germany recognize the concept of multiple nationality. You can acquire dual citizenship in Germany only under the following conditions: You are coming from European Union or former Soviet Union countries. There are dozens of categorized listings of products and services for Expats in Germany. }, I really need some advice. I’m German born & lived there for 28 years. For all of these, a specific series of legal requirements must be met. So, I have a direct line of descent, and all the supporting documentation was certified by the Consulate. Citizenship is granted to an individual as long as the requirements for acquiring German citizenship within any one of … My children 17 & 20 years old do not speak any German, But I would like them to keep their German Nationality as they may choose one day to live or study in Germany. Thanks…any input would be greatly appreciated! "id": "NO", However, there are additional costs for notarization of documents, postage, etc. "showAsSelected": true Just follow Maria’s advice and get the BVA approved BEFORE you apply for naturalization. We love to have dual. Thanks for sharing your experience of becoming a dual citizen! Hallo, ich habe eine Frage an sie. Vielen Dank im Vorraus, Yvonne. Required fields are marked *. My main reasons for Keeping my German Nationality – is that I am German. Certain jobs are only accessible for US citizens. Thanks. Ich bin jetzt dabei meine Beibehaltungsgenehmigung zu beantragen. Thanks to you my Antrag ist abgeschickt and I didn’t need to hire a lawyer at all. }, The school concept of the Fintosch International Primary School unites the International Primary Curriculum (IPC) with the Hessian education and upbringing program. Yet I am also very grateful for the opportunity to get Dual Citizenship. My mother has not been well (she is 80 years old) and so I spend the money visiting her every year. This means you can be a British citizen and also a citizen of other countries. Ok…it all sounds doable…thank you for the detailed steps…I will get started tomorrow ? "showAsSelected": true backgroundAlpha : 1, Echt super hilfreiche Info die du gebloggt hast. Check out the How to Germany Business and Service Directory. This is one of the few exemptions that will allow German nationals to hold dual citizenship. At least there is now a clear process in place. After another 30 minutes, I inquired at the front desk and they had told me that my number was accidentally deleted when the other man made the mistake and called the wrong number. The curriculum is carefully selected from an international approach and age appropriate for the children. I want to apply to retain German, before I apply for US citizenship. You can also download an app on your phone to practice the questions. BECAUSE I DID NOT RETURN MY GERMAN PASSPORT WHEN I BECAME US CITIZEN…YEP, ALSO SOME WEBSITE SAYS I MIGHT HAVE TO PAY SOME PENALTIES AND I DONT WANT TO KNOW HOW MUCH ( IF THAT IS TRUTH ). It would be nice if there was a way for me to reclaim my German citizenship as well as maintain my American citizenship. They told me 2 weeks and I should be a citizen in about 4 month. "id": "MY", { To qualify, you need to have had your permanent residency for a minimum of 3 years (marriage) or 5 years, if you received it through other means. Trying to get through to them on the phone is impossible. German dual citizenship is permitted in the following limited situations: you are born to German parents and you acquire another citizenship at birth, such as U.S. citizenship as a result of being born in the U.S.; you are a naturalized German citizen or born in Germany to non-German parents and you apply to keep your foreign nationality; Hi! When a child is born abroad, however, the rules can be somewhat more complex: a child born to US citizens on holiday in a foreign country will be considered an American citizen,for example, in addition to possibly being considered a ci… Bin gebuertige Deutsch, lebe aber seit 2003 in den USA, Ueberlege gerade aber zumindest fuer mehrere Monate im Jahre zurueck nach Deutschland zu gehen und versuche mich schlau zu machen, wie ich das am Besten anstelle. Next, we went through my application, step by step and she asked me a few questions. Do you have any recommendations or links you could share? { By 1991, I got married, moved back to Germany until 1994. If you don’t receive your citizenship within this time frame, you need to apply for an extension of your Beibehaltungsurkunde. areasSettings : { If you are a U.S. citizen and wish to gain dual citizenship with Portugal, you must first choose what channel you will go through to get it. I am sorry that I can’t help you more, but this is a unique case and I have never heard of anyone with a similar back story. Please help, thank you. I went for finger prints as well, and everything is in process. { Thus, the ability of the U.S. Embassy and consulates to provide assistance to an American-German dual national in Germany may be limited. Ich habe meinen deutschen Pass noch der noch ein paar Jahre gueltig ist. The United States have no restrictions or interdiction with regard to acquiring a dual citizen status, but Germany does. Wow, what an interesting life story and indeed a very special case. I am looking into the opposite process. I have been in this country 33 years and now finally started the process. }, Any ideas? Anyone know how and where to apply for the German citizen. "id": "IS", I have been here in the US since July 1990. Articles become outdated and people make mistakes, so double check with the official government websites and channels. var map = AmCharts.makeChart("mapdiv",{ Aber ich weiss nicht, ob das auf deinen Fall zutrifft. Viele Immigration Lawyer bieten eine kostenlose Erstberatung an. "id": "IT", Since I just recently went through this process of becoming a German/US Dual Citizen, I wanted to share my personal experience, resources I found helpful and answer some of the most important questions that I have received from my readers about the whole ordeal. Is personal disclosure ( at the time one wants to extend his or her german passport) the only way, or, do officials actually check in some database? I lived in South Africa for 46 years, before moving to the USA 4.5 years ago, with my Husband, and 2 boys (also ZA born). "showAsSelected": true }, I don’t want to give up my British citizenship either! Did you take the Beihbehaltungsgenehmigung to your naturalization appointment? "showAsSelected": true "showAsSelected": true "showAsSelected": true Wonderful website and advice, Maria, thank you! My husband wants to apply for his US citizenship, because he cannot work within certain Federal organizations. projection: "mercator", Hi, Maria I am also German born and raised there. My family and I escaped from East Germany and Immigrated to the US in the early 60’s. But I am currently still a bit away from making that much money and I am currently not living abroad. Ich bin selbst adoptiert worden und habe nur eine Greencard seit 1967. My conversational German is fine (I was born there and moved when I was 11), but anything technical or beyond the every day conversation may be more difficult. I would like to do the BBG presses through a Lawyer.. Hi Michael, I would suggest you look for a lawyer locally. { I was born in Germany. I think she saw that it was an honest mistake and let it slide. All that matters is the fact that you have your German citizenship. Is there any recourse for me at this time? It belongs to Bundles Republik Deutschland. Arbeiten wuerde ich wahrsch. "showAsSelected": true No. Der Richter sagte mir sie sind automatisch Amerikaner aber ich traue dem Braten nicht. Kids of expats moving to Germany can start anytime during the school year. German citizenship only passes at birth to people who have at least one German parent, and where you are born has no connection to it at all. "id": "DO", Technically, it’s not allowed. If you are foreign born, and looking to become a US citizen, you can also become a dual US citizen. You are from an EU country or the former Soviet Union 2. Very informative indeed. Have you heard of others having to do an interview in German for their BBG application? { Having grown up in South Africa my circumstances led me in other directions, but I still see myself as German and my family is in DE. The only points where you have to truly elaborate are questions 5 & 6, so I will add some of the arguments that I have used as well as what I have heard other’s have used in their successful applications. I hope this helps! "id": "CA", "id": "CY", I also have the freedom to raise my (future) children in two cultures and move freely between two continents. "id": "TR", Now you need to get moving, because you only have a 2-year window to get your U.S. citizenship. "id": "CN", A very nicely displayed website. }, My Husband has UK passport. The option to become a Dual Citizen was not discussed at the Immigration Office at the time. Both locations are easily accessible via public transport and are open throughout the year from 7.30 am to 7 pm. Hi, I was not born in Germany, but lived more than 25 years in Germany, basically I grew up in germany. so there is nothing dumb about his questions. Citizens of other EU member states have the right to dual citizenship inside the bloc. Danke! I don’t have any investments, but I do visit very often and not having american citizenship puts me at a disadvantage for several jobs as my field of study requires security clearance. After about 30 minutes, my number was called to one of the windows, but unfortunately, the government worker had just pressed the wrong number. You will then receive a notification that your application was received and you were entered into the system. "showAsSelected": true Oktoberfest in Munich - All You Need to Know, Exhibitions and Events in Rothenburg 2019–2021, Social Security and Employee Benefits in Germany, German Hiring Procedures and the Employment Contract, The Employee/Employer Relationship in Germany, Termination of an Employment Contract in Germany, German Workplace Organizations and Associations,, Marry Abroad Simply - Marriages in Denmark and Gibraltar,, My question is am I eligebel to hold dual citizenship since I was not born in Germany. }, How much time does it take? How to use dual citizenship when traveling abroad. I’m an American, my husband is German and he was mistakenly deported from the U.S. (he had valid residency permit) which is why we’re now living in Germany. As additional proof, I also submitted the following documents: Currently (April 2019), the fee for the Beibehaltungsgenehmigung is 255 EUR and 51 EUR for each minor child that files with you. If all requirements for gaining German citizenship are fulfilled, the existence of a second nationality will be accepted. Neither country requires a person born under these circumstances to choose between American and German citizenship. What is Buy to Let (Rent Out) Investment and How Does it Work? colorSolid : "#53798b", "showAsSelected": true I was born In South Africa (ZA) to German parents (born in DE and moved to ZA a year before I was born). Gruss aus Californien Martina, Hallo ich habe auch eine Frage bin schon über 40 Jahre in den USA habe aber immer noch meine deutsche Staatsangehörigkeit zur Zeit bin ich in Rente und meine Mutter in Deutschland ist sehr krank ich müsste nach Deutschland gehen für eine Zeit lang aber als ich letztes Mal vier zehn Monate in Deutschland war als ich zurück kam wurde mir gesagt das ich nicht so lange bleiben darf was kann ich tun damit ich länger in Deutschland bleiben kann für eine Zeit Lang um mich um meine Mutter zu kümmern meine Mutter ist 94 Jahre alt und kann auch nicht mehr so wie sie will nun ich bin auch nicht sehr gesund und wenn ich nach Deutschland gehe dann habe ich keine Krankenversicherung zur meine Frage ist wenn ich mich in Deutschland anmelden werde ich dann die Krankenversicherung bekommen da ich ja in Deutschland gearbeitet habe ich wollte erst meine dual Citizenships Beantragen aber weiß nicht ob das auch das richtige ist und wenn ich für immer nach Deutschland gehen sollte was muss ich da Unternehmen vielen Dank im Voraus und hoffe das mir jemand helfen kann, My family was living in Germany in the year (1954) as my father work for the American military being stationed there. You have to fill out this form to apply for the Beibehaltungsgenehmigung and add supporting documents to prove your case. Site design and maintenance by Gear Brand, Online Advertising and SEO Market in Germany, Road Map for International Companies Wanting to Enter the German Market, 3 Currency Strategies to Help SMBs Slash Costs, The German Retirement and Pension System - Basic Facts, How To Get German Retirement Contributions Refunded, Investing in European Mutual Funds for US Citizens under FATCA, Housing – Finding, Renting, Buying, Selling, Temporary, Temporary Furnished Rental Apartments in Munich, 7 Differences Between Corporate Housing and Hotels, Making the Most Money from Your Property Sale. I had my interview today and should expect my invitation to be sworn in within the next few weeks. Germany Dual citizenship law takes effect in Germany. I learnt both German and English as a child, but I speak , write and read “conversational” German, with my Mother or cousins/uncle, (who do not speak any English). Ich kenne mich mit Adoption leider nicht aus, aber ich denke doch mal, dass es da einen Papertrail gibt. { I am in the same boat as you are. Selective Service System within three months of his eighteenth birthday, and is not necessarily exempt from German military service. Your email address will not be published. I have lived in the US for 20 years. I visit her annually and do all her German correspondence for her in relation to her German Pension. rollOverOutlineColor : "#000000" "id": "FR", He will be happy to show you around and answer all your questions, including what it means to “feels like family” at Fintosch, how we incorporate German and English 50/50 into our curriculum, and our creative approach to teaching our students. I have never lived in DE, do not have any accounts, property of any sort in DE. The status of persons with dual citizenship sometimes raises questions among persons located in Germany, whether as members of the military or civilians. Children of foreign parents living in Germany no longer have to choose a citizenship before they turn 23. { Ich werde mich dieses Wochenende mal ranmachen, die Unterlagen herunterzuladen und Materialien zu sammeln. Just go through the steps as described above and apply for your BBG and demonstrate your connection to Germany as well as the reason why you want to get your US citizenship. { Of course, you can give up your US citizenship, but be aware that this will not have any effect on you US tax liabilities. All persons who have a claim to U.S. citizenship should apply at the Embassy or consulates for a U.S. passport before traveling to the U.S. An American-German male must register with the U.S. I'll bet he has one US parent and one German parent, which already makes him a German … You have obtained permission from the German authorities to retain another citizenship You could have a dual citizenship, but the country you live in determines what rights … }, To calm your nerves, I’ll tell you exactly what happened in my US Citizenship Interview and Test, ok? The main language is English and 1 hour German will be educated every day. I have dual citizenship (German/U.S.). List with name, address, and phone number of your closest family and friends, what kind of contact (phone, email, Social Media, visits, etc) and how often you have contact. I have not even started the process to keep my German citizenship. And they must have a valid U.S. passport in order to enter the United States. "id": "DK", Hast du die Adoptionsurkunde von deinen Kindern? I am a German citizen through my father, who is a German citizen due to my great grandfather living and fighting in the German army. Understanding FATCA as an American Living in Germany. getAreasFromMap : true, A family should never have to worry about that some of their immediate family cannot live with them due to visa or immigration regulations. But honestly, I showed you how I can show disadvantages of losing dual citizenship germany usa you Tax. $ 110,000/year if you are coming from European Union wedlock… then there be! An American-German dual national in Germany in Germany on a green card ) to. Most current version, as they change some of the questions every year it slide pass the test but because! Kids of Expats moving to Germany Digital Edition click here for download.! Keep your German passport from birth ( which I got through my application, I! 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